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Our Purpose
Success In Vulnerability is a tailor-made website designed by ICEEFT Certified Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Trainers and Supervisors in line with common factor research showing what separates ‘good enough’ therapists from excellent clinicians. Common factor research suggests that clinicians can improve their outcomes by 50% via deliberate practice. “Top performers don’t wing it, they push themselves to the edge and they consciously and deliberately plan for what they’re going to do next. They plan, rehearse, and reflect on their work” (Miller, 2013). SV is designed to provide the most targeted and efficient use of your out-of-session practice time, focusing on the most difficult and most essential points of psychotherapy. Success In Vulnerability is your premier, online education experience that leads with innovative instruction to advance your therapeutic effectiveness through Success In Vulnerability’s exclusive Modules and full-length Clinical Examples.
Each individual Module and Clinical Example is constructed by our psychotherapy experts with you in mind to equip you for peak therapeutic performance in topics most immediately relevant and aimed toward specific clinical growth points in three main areas: increase clinical confidence working with in-session “blocks” (mistrust, seeming resistance), acquiring vivid & practical triggers/cues that prompt negative cycles hindering emotional vulnerability and intensifying in-session clinical focus.
Our SV team is committed to producing engaging and applicable EFT education experiences to guide you and your clients toward Success in Vulnerability. When people experience Success in Vulnerability it changes everything. Stay current, sign up with your email at bottom of this page to receive information about new Module and Clinical Example releases. Your clients are worth your very best. Invest with us, you do not want to miss what’s coming next from Success In Vulnerability.
A Special Thank You
Every member of the Success In Vulnerability team has been professionally and personally stirred by the contributions of many significant leaders within our profession. For one of these leaders, in particular, we must say a special thank you to Dr. Sue Johnson. Dr. Johnson has spent over the last 30 years meticulously observing thousands of hours of couples therapy sessions, building upon the research of emotion and harnessing the power of attachment science that ultimately turned into the development of the therapeutic model Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) that has revolutionized therapeutic content and therapists’ effectiveness around the world. Dr. Johnson continues to devote significant amounts of her time to researching, teaching and training EFT therapists. Although Dr. Johnson is not a direct contributor to Success In Vulnerability, she has had an impact on every member of the SV Team and each SV Team members’ work reflects this in their own unique ways. Our work and our world is significantly different because of her contribution, and for this, we are especially thankful.
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